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The best yard and tag sales near Southold, Suffolk, Riverhead and Shelter Island, NY are found right here.

The BEST Help Wanted listings near Southold, Suffolk, Riverhead, Shelter Island NY

The BEST Help Wanted listings near Southold, Suffolk, Riverhead, Shelter Island NY

Help Wanted 

SENIOR LANDSCAPE   DESIGN  SENIOR LANDSCAPE   DESIGN ASSOCIATE    Master   s degree in Landscape Architecture & REGL PLNG with 1 year of  experience;  Conduct Site Observation (assessing current plants, site conditions,  and soil conditions) and Field Reports (assist in inspecting landscape improvements  to assess and ensure compliance with applicable contract plans, specifications,  applicable codes, and regulations); Convert surveyor data into elevation spots and  terrain mesh using Grasshopper; Conduct a sun and shade study to determine wind  direction, microclimate, and freeze protection for planting feasibility using Rhino;  Perform computational analysis and data visualization of slope, aspect, viewshed,  inundation zones, and flood events using Rhino and GIS; Iterate design schemes  through a balance of hand sketches, computer-generated graphics, and presentation  renderings; Produce renderings of landscape design schemes with architectural  backgrounds and video presentations using Lumion and AfterEffects; Research and  incorporate codes (e.g., Codes, Rules, and Regulations for development restrictions,  rooftop construction, pool fencing standards, and constraints), ordinances, and  permitting requirements. Skills- Grasshopper, Rhino, GIS, Lumion and AfterEffects.    Must be willing to travel and/or relocate to work in various worksites  throughout the US. No telecommuting.    SALARY:    $95K to $102K/yr     Send resume to Spring Ledge Studio Dba Farm  Landscape Design, 2 Bartman Road, Shelter Island, New York, NY 11964.
Shade Trees Nursery, an industry  Shade Trees Nursery, an industry leader,  has several positions available  Sales person, design skills helpful for our  retail Garden Center, Landscape personnel,  field labor for our wholesale production  division, IPM and Nursery Management  trainees for our wholesale division.  Salary range $18-$26/hour plus pension  based on experience.    Please send resume or inquiry to  or call Lou 631-484-2097.

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